Andean-Inkan Celestial and Terrestrial Life Ways and Wisdom.
An Immersive Cultural and Cosmological Journey with Tupaq Ttito Kuntur & Jeffrey Huamancheq Wium
April 21-29, 2025 & September 21-29, 2025
This is a deeply authentic, transformative journey into the mystical and practical lifeways of the Andean-Inkan Holy Mountain Tradition. Tupaq and Huamanchiq guide a dedicated group into the Andean Altiplano to engage the sacred cosmology of one of Earth’s few remaining, unbroken wisdom lineages. Participants experience an immersion into an ancient, animistic culture rooted in the natural world, unified consciousness, heart-centric interaction, energetic healing and multidimensional ceremony.
From Cusco, we travel to our retreat center in Tupaq’s ancestral village where the mountains, lagoons, fertile valleys and deeply-connected people offer a conducive environment to engage sacred wisdom, learn wholistic practices and expand consciousness. Each day begins with centering and meditation exercises, then moves into directed learning and harmonization practices to balance the mind, body and spirit. Each day we do moderate walking to access nature temples and then have integration time after lunch to rest, discuss and contemplate our processes.
After dinner, we continue the sacred work with elemental ceremonies to call in assistance and strengthen our connection to the Earth, Ancestors and Source.
After four days, we journey higher into the mountains to camp at the foot of one of the Holy Mountain Altars. This part of the journey is a dedicated pilgrimage into the heart of the Andean-Inkan celestial tradition. Participants go further into personal expansion and healing while exploring higher aspects of the cosmology and animistic consciousness. During this time, daily activities focus on first-hand learning, harmonization, ceremonies, energetic attunement and how to integrate multidimensional reality into one’s daily life.
While on the journey, all of your needs will be supported by an experienced team of Paqos, assistants, porters and chefs to provide you optimal space for your unfolding. Hot meals are provided three times a day with most dietary needs able to be catered for with advanced notice at registration. While camping, individual tents are provided for each traveler. You only need to bring a sleeping bag and pad in addition to your clothing. A comprehensive trip information document will be provided to you at registration.
In the Andes, we will be operating at elevations from 11,000 to 15,500 feet (3,300-4,750 meters). Participants need to be in good physical, mental and emotional health, be open and authentic, and able to manage themselves in unfamiliar terrain. At higher elevation we have courses available should anyone need a lift. Strenuous predatory training is not needed in order to participate on this journey. We’ve not had any altitude related problems with participants. We recognize that dis-ease is caused by unresolved mental-emotional blockages coming forward for healing. The Paqos and ground staff take great care to look after participants needs and help resolve any issues that may arise… it is a healing journey.
Please plan to arrive in Cusco at least a day before the start of the trip in order to acclimate to the 11,000 foot (3,350 meter) elevation. Please book your return flight out of Cusco at least a day after the end of the scheduled trip. You will need to book your own lodging, e.g., Airbnb or booking.com rooms in Cusco before the start of the trip and after we arrive back in town on the last day (further information is in the trip information document that you receive at registration). The trip starts at noon of the first day and ends around 5-6pm on the last day. During the trip, vegetarian meals along with meat and fish dishes are provided. Gluten-free options are available. Please bring your own special dietary items as needed.
If you are interested in staying in Peru longer to sightsee or travel, we ask that you schedule any sightseeing activities BEFORE the trip. We have found that tourism after deep spiritual work can be difficult on the body’s energetic system and interfere with one's integration process. Planning a day or more of rest in Cusco or the sacred valley, etc., and at home prior to jumping back into business is also highly beneficial.
COST : USD $3,500 or foreign currency equivalent. All-inclusive ground expenses. Participants are responsible for their travel to and from Cusco, Peru
DEPOSIT : When registering via email, a non-refundable deposit of $1750.00 USD is required to secure your place with the remaining balance due at least 45 days prior to the trip start date. Full payment is also accepted at time of registration. Special arrangements are available by request.
EU € : IBAN BE76 9670 2186 7095
UK £ : IBAN GB97 TRWI 2314 7096 3849 30 / Account 96384930 / Sort 23-14-70
NZD : Account 02-1291-0263613-000
AUD : Account 815429283 / BSB 802-985
(Please inquire about for other currencies)
REGISTRATION : Please email Jeffrey at jeffrey@livingwisdom.education.
We ask new participants to please provide a photo so we can recognize you at the gathering point in Cusco.
WELCOME : Spirit and the Apus (Mountain Benefactors) engage you from the moment of decision. Emotions and growth edges begin to come into awareness for deeper healing. Unknowingly, some people can project this discomfort outwardly and/or give into fight-flight mechanisms. This is normal and yet, distraction and avoidance delay personal resolution, aka, healing. An elder put it this way, in order to get to unconditional love, one must visit all of their conditions along the way. It is here that we learn to do alchemy, to turn the entanglement in to harmony. And, that said, if someone has extenuating circumstances and is unable to make a specific retreat, we can easily reschedule you for a future trip within a year’s time.
TRIP COST INFO : At times people have asked what the costs of the trip are used for. It is to pay for lodging, expenses, cooks, meals, transportation, drivers, porters, horsemen, horses, retreat center operations, camp staff, paqos, ceremonial and practical supplies, and everything it takes to support you comfortably for 9 days at 12-15,000’ (3,650-4,570 meters). Our retreat center and travel is run by indigenous families and local community members. We take great care in supporting their self-sufficiency, collective lifeways and wholistic consciousness.
TUPAQ TTITO KUNTUR is a direct Inkan descendant and a celestial lineage holder in the Andean-Inkan Holy Mountain Tradition. Tupaq’s wholistic wisdom comes from terrestrial, celestial and inner guidance as well as millennia of wisdomkeepers who have stewarded and passed down humanity’s sacred lifeways through the ages.
JEFFREY HUAMANCHEQ WIUM is a traditionally trained Andean-Inkan wellness practitioner and educator. He draws on thirty years’ experience assimilating wisdom teachings, healing methods and wholistic life-practices from many cultures. Jeffrey offers an integrative approach to conscious living and personal wellbeing through online offerings, consultation, experiential programs and immersive retreats.