Four-part, online Conscious Medicine, Wholistic Healing and Harmonic Lifeways Series with Jeffrey Wium


This four-part online program delves into the functionality and sustenance of personal Life Force. Kausay, also known as Prana, Chi, Ki or Kundalini, is the foundation of motion, presence and energetic wellbeing. It is the wellspring of creativity, fertility and overall bodily function. Kausay is the force that dictates the capacity of our physical, energetic, mental and creative energy. It is the river of nourishment that flows from Source to Soul, and the basis of life that animates everything.

Kausay Pacha is both the force of Love and the field of Love itself. When our Kausay is disrupted, diminished, disassociated or blocked by experience, cultural repression or fear, we suffer from inadequate energy, insecurity, isolation, depression, confusion, anxiety, trepidation, intolerance and pain.

This experiential program conveys the physical, mental, emotional and psychospiritual aspects of Kausay– detailing its mechanics, regeneration, maintenance and daily usage. Wholistic knowledge, breath work, practical techniques and personal guidance will be given to help develop, strengthen and channel the flow of life as an individual and in relationships.

These four, two-hour programs build upon each other to offer a working comprehension and functional pathway to reweave your energetic system, unwind entanglements, transform limiting concepts and find contentment while embodying your deep self.

FORMAT : 4, 2-hour Zoom Sessions with Video Recordings for continued viewing.

RECORDINGS : Vimeo-based. Available on your schedule. To revisiting and deepen innerstanding.

EXCHANGE : $TBA for entire series or a la carte per program. Unlimited personal library access.

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JEFFREY WIUM is a traditionally trained Andean-Inkan wellness practitioner and educator. He draws on thirty years’ experience assimilating wisdom teachings, healing methods and wholistic life-practices from many cultures. Jeffrey offers an integrative approach to conscious living and personal wellbeing through online offerings, consultation, experiential programs and immersive retreats.